By Vahram Ayvazyan
Preface by Dr. Arshavir Gundjian
Post Artsakh war, Armenians everywhere, and more particularly in Armenia, anxiously look for novel ideas and undertakings that could inspire hope and confidence towards the future of the Armenian nation. It is in that context that the article that is being published in the Mirror-Spectator stands out as a novel and intriguing concept. The outstanding novelty in the concept of the Network State consists in the fact that it proposes a concrete organizational structure which, when successfully implemented, renders possible for every and any Armenian living on this planet to bring his/her contribution to the welfare of the Armenian state.
Furthermore, by the very fact of the vast geographic distribution of the proposed structure, the latter becomes immune to the enemy’s destructive attempts which are inevitably localized.
As much as the theoretical concept is truly formidable and innovative, its practical implementation is in itself, needless to say, a formidable undertaking subject to any number of various obstacles in real life.
The most encouraging fact, however, is that this concept, its formulation and the initiative to implement it comes from a group of highly motivated young professionals in Armenia and expatriates. Their leader Vahram Ayvazyan, author of this article, is an exceptionally enthusiastic, dynamic and indefatigable young person who has already managed to participate in many international conventions and programs. In particular, he has been trained by Al Gore as a participant in an environmental protection and climate control program.