The LORD your God shall raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers-it is to him you shall listen.
-Deuteronomy 18:15
“(SOAD was as) unlikely a chart-topper as had ever existed in modern music history: a band of Armenian-Americans playing a practically unclassifiable clash of wildly aggressive metal riffs, unconventional tempo-twisting rhythms, and Armenian folk melodies, with me alternately growling, screaming, and crooning lyrics that could pivot from avant-garde silliness to raging socio-political rants in the space of a single line…it’s not easy listening.” (ST, Down with the System)
Slim and goateed with a soft-spoken tone of voice and bearing a message of peace, in person Serj Tankian appears both devilish and Christ-like. His recent book, Down with the System, confirms the prophetic elements that underscore many of his lyrics as the lead singer and songwriter of System of a Down.
Though old timers may find some of his songs akin to speaking in tongues, his overarching message is one of love and mutual understanding. Subtitled A memoir (of sorts), the current account starts off relating his childhood in Beirut through the trauma of the Lebanese Civil War that brought his family to Los Angeles in the late 1970s.