Ramgavar and ARF Armenia Leaders Meet


YEREVAN — The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Council of Armenia continued its discussions with Armenia’s parliamentary and extra-parliamentary forces, with whom issues related to the country’s socio-political situation are deliberated.

To that end, the ARF Supreme Council of Armenia members met with leaders of the Central Executive of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party—the Ramgavar party at the latter’s headquarters on Monday, June 24.

During the meeting the parties discussed a broad range of issues related to the political situation in Armenia, particularly recommendations on certain legislative initiatives, revitalization of networking of the two political parties abroad, preservation of national values, as well as issues on changes in Armenia’s judiciary, which has been in the spotlight recently.

The meeting concluded with both sides agreeing to meet on a regular basis and to advance the cooperation between the two party by creating professional task forces that would target items of the agenda that were discussed on Monday.

The ADL was represented by Central Executive Chairman Hakop Avetikyan; secretary, Souren Sarksyan; member Vahe Darbinyan; and the chairman of the ADL Alex Manougian Center, Armen Sakapetoyan. The ARF Supreme Council of Armenia chairman Ishkhan Saghatelyan was accompanied by the body’s professional network coordinator Artsvik Minasyan and member Shaghik Maroukhian.


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