ISTANBUL (PanARMENIAN.Net) — Correspondent at Turkish-based Armenian newspaper Agos, Vercihan Ziflioglu authored a book about Turkey’s hidden Armenians, titled Story of Armenians of Purgatory, reports, citing
The author analyzes the struggle of Armenians who were forced to conceal their identity and live in a Muslim society for already 100 years.
Ziflioglu presents the chronology of the most important developments for Crypto-Armenians, including Hrant Dink’s murder on January 19, 2007, the publishing of Fethiye Çetin’s book My Grandmother, announcements in Agos newspaper by people who were looking for their families, the restoration and reopening of the Armenian churches of Van, Kayseri, Diyarbakir and other events.
Ziflioglu also reminds about the Armenian women, who were abducted at the beginning of the last century. Emphasizing the fact that mainly Kurds live in areas previously inhabited by Armenians, the author writes: “Four out of five people we met in Anatolia had Armenian grandmothers.”