Communiqué of the ADL Reform and Unity Movement


ADL LOGOAt the conclusion of a three-day convocation in Yerevan, Armenia, the following announcement was released by the Reform and Unity Movement, which claims to represent the only legitimate entity, based on the bylaws of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (ADL), and plans to unite the splinter groups in the party. The Coordinating Committee of this movement will serve in a provisional leadership role until a lawful Central Board of the ADL is elected.

YEREVAN – The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (ADL)’s Reform and Unity Movement held its second convocation in Yerevan from April 19 to 21 with the participation of 63 representatives from 12 different countries, as well as leaders of the central executive of the ADL of the Republic of Armenia and leaders of the Liberal Democrat party of Artsakh.

The Reform Movement’s assembly took place in the sad morrow of the recent four-day war in Artsakh, which provided the opportunity to our compatriots of the diaspora to express their sympathy and support to the heroic people of Artsakh. In other words, this meeting took place at a historic moment when the strength of all Armenians should be mustered to face the present geopolitical challenges facing Armenia and Artsakh.

Reports were presented about ADL party structures in Armenia, Artsakh and various countries of the diaspora. In conclusion to the discussions which took place, a series of constructive plans were adopted for the future.

On the opening day of the convocation, Armenia’s Deputy Minister of the Diaspora Vahagn Melikian spoke words of welcome in the name of Diaspora Minister Hranoush Hakobyan.

The assembly in particular examined the divided situation of the party, and made certain decisions in this connection.

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Taking into consideration that the negotiations which took place between the representatives of the Reform and Unity Movement and the defunct ADL Central Executive have not led to any result, a heavy historical burden of responsibility involuntarily has come to weigh on the shoulders of the participants of this movement. The dissipated condition of the previous Central Executive, which has completely lost its legitimacy for the diasporan structures of the party, has become clear.

The coordinating body of the Reform and Unity Movement, having exhausted all possibilities of negotiation and collaboration, is forced to undertake alone the hallowed work of reform and unification.

The doors to the Movement are open to all ADL members and groupings which pursue the same goals.

The Movement is not against any individual or structure, as it is dedicated completely to positive and unifying work.

This assembly declares as null and void the punitive and legal measures which have occurred during the last ten years, as well as the arbitrary geographical divisions which have been actualized.

A two-year period lies ahead of us to assemble all the regions and jointly convene a legitimate general representative assembly, with the participation of our ADL structures in Armenia and Artsakh. The goal will be to elect an all-inclusive Central Board based in Armenia, which will reflect the full image of the party, and establish its authority over all regions.

Yerevan, April 21, 2016       The Coordinating Committee of the Reform and Unity Movement


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