Armen Aroyan

Armen Aroyan Library-Museum Inaugurated


By Kevork Keushkerian

Special to the Mirror-Spectator

PASADENA, Calif. – The dedication ceremony for the Armen Aroyan Library-Museum took place in the backyard of the Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church in Pasadena on Saturday evening, October 9, 2021.

The Armenian Evangelical Cilicia Church is the first Armenian church in Pasadena, established in 1922 as the Armenian Congregational Mission of Pasadena. Later, in 1927, the church changed its name to the Armenian Cilicia Congregational Church. The current location of the church, 1339 Santa Anita Avenue, was purchased in 1991.

Part of Armen Aroyan’s collection of books

Rev. Serop Megerditchian, the senior pastor of the church, offered the opening prayer, and then invited the master of ceremonies, Ara Assilian, to facilitate the dedication. Assilian is the chairman of the church’s parish council.

In his remarks, Assilian paid homage to Armen Aroyan’s 40 years of service as the choir director of the church. He then expressed his and the church council’s gratitude for Aroyan’s generous contribution to the church, through which an empty room was renovated into a reputable library-museum, where more than 3,000 of Aroyan’s historical books, rare coins, stamps and copper artifacts were given a home for permanent display.

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Assilian also donated a rare rock from Mount Ararat, brought to him by Harout Der Tavitian, who had led an expedition to the top of the Armenian mountain from Turkey’s side. It will be part of the permanent exhibition in the newly dedicted Armen Aroyan Library-Museum.

Rev. Berdj Djambazian, Minister to the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, thanked God for this unique opportunity and praised Armen Aroyan for his years of service to the Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church.

Next, Rev. Kevork Terian, the former senior pastor of the Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church, took to the podium and spoke about Armen’s dedication to his clients, whom he took on a pilgrimage to their ancestral lands in Western Armenia.

I could attest to this firsthand, as my wife and I went to Western Armenia with Armen Aroyan in the fall of 2007. We began our tour from Istanbul and one of the sites that we visited was the tomb of the newly assassinated Armenian newspaper editor, Hrant Dink. Aroyan made an extra effort to take the group to each participant’s ancestral home. Thus, we visited the village of Gemerek, the birthplace of my mother-in-law’s parents, in the province of Sivas (Sepasdia).

Among other places that we visited was the village of Peri in the province of Kharpert, where my father-in-law was born. The group was gathered around the fountain in the village’s main square, while I was chatting with some of the local villagers. There, I learned that the valley nearby was called the valley of Dakess, after my father-in-law’s family name, Dakessian.

When I mentioned this to Armen, on the way back, he made an extra effort to go back and visit the same valley. Then my wife recalled that her aunt used to tell her about her father being slain on top of the hill that belonged to him and dragged down to the river Eupհrates: talk about emotions and deeply hurt feelings that surfaced with this sudden revelation. It is hard to put into words, and we have Armen to thank for the experience.

Topics: library, Museum
People: Armen Aroyan

The cultural program included a dance performance presented by members of Patil Dance Academy and a musical recital presented by Vem Musical Ensemble of the University of California, Los Angeles, under the direction of of Movses Pogossian.

Dr. Peter Cowe, UCLA Narekatsi Professor of Armenian Studies, was the keynote speaker. He dwelled upon Aroyan’s vast knowledge of the historical sites in Western Armenia, including the churches, monuments, famous convents, and scattered cemeteries. Unfortunately, some of those sites were in such ruins that they were hard to identify.

In his closing remarks, Rev. Megerditchian thanked everyone for attending the ceremony and noted that the Armen Aroyan Library-Museum will be utilized in the future for lectures, recitals, and exhibitions on a regular basis. He then invited Armen Aroyan to cut the ribbon and invite the guests to visit the library-museum.