A New and Improved Mirror-Spectator


WATERTOWN — Starting with this issue, readers may notice some changes to the newspaper’s appearance.

The changes to the fonts and format have been made to freshen up the look of the paper.

While we have been happy with how the paper has looked, we felt it was time for a change, as we have added many new writers and correspondents from various parts of the world.

Mark Mgrditchian, our longtime graphic designer, is responsible for the new look.

“Change is good. Sometimes the simplest changes can have a huge impact. Bold, simple, and unencumbered were my goals in updating our presentation of the news. The Mirror-Spectator is currently blessed with a diversified staff, together with long-standing and new-to-the-scene contributors. The simple updates that we made, like changing the text font to the universally recognized New Times Roman, along with our ongoing efforts to accommodate our online audience, hopefully, will better serve all of our English-speaking readers for many years to come,” he said.

In addition to the changes to the paper’s appearance, tremendous strides have been made online. Our website (www.mirrorspectator.com) has an ever-increasing number of hits monthly. We maintain a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Now, we are proud to announce that an app for the Mirror-Spectator (https://apps.apple.com/uy/app/mirror-spectator/id1529754235) is available for iPhones and iPads. It is free to download and will allow readers to keep up with the latest news effortlessly.

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Finally, with this issue we want to introduce officially the latest addition to the staff, Harry A. Kezelian III, joining Alin K. Gregorian and Aram Arkun. Harry was born and raised in Metro Detroit where his family has been active in church and community activities for four generations. He grew up at St. John’s Armenian Church and has been an active member and leader in the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America locally and nationally and is currently active in the Armenian General Benevolent Union Young Professionals.

He attended the University of Michigan where he studied Armenian under Prof. Kevork Bardakjian and Armenian history under Prof. Jirair Libaridian and holds a B.A. in History, J.D. from Michigan Law School, and Master’s in Teaching from University of Michigan, Dearborn, in addition to having taken courses at St. Nersess Seminary. He currently serves as a subdeacon in the Armenian Church as well as assistant to the director of the Manoogian Museum and Mardigian Library in Southfield. Harry is passionate about Armenian history and culture, especially folk music, and performs as a singer and oudist with his own Armenian band.






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