Belgian Review Publication’s Latest Issue Dedicated to Daniel Varoujan


GHENT, Belgium — The Revue belge de Philologie et d’Histoire / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis (97, 2019) has published a special issue on Daniel Varoujan. Edited by Professor Peter Van Nuffelen of Ghent University, Belgium, the volume is titled Daniel Varoujan: Un poète arménien à Gand – cent ans après.

A hotel in Ghent, Belgium, where the poet Varuzhan stayed during his student days: Hotel St. Joseph

The aim of this special issue is, first, to illuminate the exchanges between Belgium and the Ottoman Empire and the experiences of students coming from that region, through the example of the Armenian poet Daniel Varoujan, student at Ghent University from 1905 until 1909. It includes therefore papers on foreign students at Ghent (P. De Messemaeker and C. Verbruggen) and on Belgian public opinion about the Armenian question in this period (H. Alloul and H. De Smaele), besides articles on the life of Varoujan in Ghent (Simon Payaslian) and his publications in French in Ghent (E. Delacenserie). A second aim is to probe what influence the stay in Ghent had on the artistic and intellectual development of Varoujan, through the articles by Krikor Beledian and Marc Nichanian. The introduction offers an introduction to the life and work of Varoujan and a framework within which to read the various articles.

A hotel in Ghent, Belgium, where the poet Varuzhan stayed during his student days, Groenhof – St. Joseph, is now a flowershop (photo courtesy Simon Payaslian)

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