Blessing of the new cross at Hye Pointe Church (Photo credit: Joseph Tavitian)

Hye Pointe Church New Cross Blessed


BRADFORD, Mass. – On Sunday, September 17, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, at the Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe, the ceremony of the blessing of the cross that will adorn the Family Life and Cultural Center’s main cupola took place.

After the blessing of the cross, the Hye Pointe Fundraising Committee organized a lunch. During lunch, the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America (ACYOA) chapter at Hye Pointe presented a check for 5000 dollars raised at its Mother’s Day dance to the Building Fund.

The ACYOA Hye Pointe chapter presents a check for 5000 dollars raised at its Mother’s Day dance to the Building Fund of the church (Photo credit: Joseph Tavitian)

Pastor Fr. Vart Gyozalian and his parish thanked Armenak Chavushyan and his family for the donation of the cross and for the lule kebab at the lunch, as well as the Fundraising Committee, and Men’s and Women’s Clubs for organizing the lunch.

Armenak Chavushyan, center, with his family (Photo credit: Joseph Tavitian)

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