BELMONT, Mass. — On Thursday, October 5 a panel discussion on “Expanding Inclusion of Media Literacy in Education in Armenia: Challenges and Opportunities” will begin at 7:30 pm at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) headquarters. It is hosted by the Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association (CYSCA) and NAASR/Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues.
Five young women from Armenia will be in Greater Boston September 29 – October 7 to participate in a grant program focused on media literacy in education hosted by CYSCA, with funding support from the “Open World” (OW) program of the US Library of Congress, CYSCA, and its team of volunteers. A key goal of the program is to help participants develop methods for inclusion of media literacy in education by engaging them with their American counterparts. The program aims to give the participants first-hand exposure to America’s democratic government and free-market system as an instrument for Americans engaged in citizens’ diplomacy.
During their stay, CYSCA has designed a program of intense visits/meetings with various organizations/individuals in the Greater Boston area including, for example, the Massachusetts Media Literacy Consortium, Emerson College, University of Massachusetts Boston, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab. The five participants and their accompanying facilitator will be staying with host families during their stay to enable them to experience life in an American home.
During the Panel Discussion, the participants will discuss their work experience in Armenia and reflect on their visit to the US. The program will include Siranush Galstyan, smart room coordinator, Children of Armenia Fund (COAF); Nina Ganjalyan, smart room coordinator, COAF; Lusine Grigoryan, media literacy specialist, Media Initiatives Center; Armine Khloyan, sociology teacher/head of robotics lab, National Engineering University of Armenia (Foundation); Shushanik Ohanyan, project manager, Goris Press Club NGO; and Anahit Khachatryan, facilitator for the group, currently project management specialist at USAID Armenia.
Admission is free (donations accepted) and a 7:00 pm reception precedes the panel. The NAASR Bookstore will open at 6:30 pm.