Pan Armenian Council of Western USA Issues Statement of Unity and Strength


LOS ANGELES — The Pan Armenian Council of Western United States of America (PAC-WUSA) has been in consultations with representatives of its member organizations to assess the situation, in light of the public health crisis, and receive reports about ongoing relief efforts. PAC-WUSA and its member organizations stand in solidarity with all of humanity in an effort to confront and defeat the current pandemic.

The health and wellbeing of the Armenian nation — the countries of Armenia and Artsakh, and communities across our diaspora — are priceless. The life of every Armenian is precious.

Here in southern California, we extend our love, concern, and good wishes to members of the Armenian community. We advise members of our community to abide by all federal, state, and local government orders and restrictions. We echo the guidelines of public health institutions and urge members of our community to shelter at home and follow social distancing.

It has been brought to PAC-WUSA’s attention that there are individuals who are attempting to take advantage of the current crisis by falsely portraying themselves as charitable organizations collecting funds to assist those in need at this time. We recommend that members of our community be vigilant and not fall victim to scams and fraudulent activity. When in doubt, do not give in to such demands. Ask the authorities or someone who you trust to determine the legitimacy of those soliciting donations.

Rest assured, many of PAC-WUSA’s member organizations are providing emergency assistance and resources to individuals and families in need. We encourage our community to join such efforts, and especially assist those who are most vulnerable.

This week’s passage of $2 trillion in emergency relief funds by the United States government will, among other things, provide a one-time payment of $1,200 to each adult and up to $3,000 per family. If you or your family members require access to information or resources, please reach out to our community’s charitable, medical, advocacy or organizations, which are ready to provide valuable assistance and address your concerns. In a subsequent communiqué, PAC-WUSA will release a list of helpful online links for available government and charitable resources.

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Now is the time for our nation to unify, from a distance, and share the inspiring stories of community good. Now is the time to check in on our elders and parents, and to thank everyone on the front lines of this crisis – doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, sanitation workers, truck and delivery drivers, and owners of markets and restaurants – who work diligently and remind us that staying home is a necessary and serious life-saving measure.

While you and your family are safe at home and as a friendly reminder, March and April 2020 are designated as ideal months to complete the 2020 U.S. Census for your entire household. We encourage members of our community to take advantage of this period at home and submit the Census form by following the recommendations of HyeCount. For additional information about the 2020 Census, visit online.

The PAC-WUSA wishes you and your family members good health, strength, safety, and vigilance. We will overcome this crisis together and be stronger than ever.


Pan Armenian Council of Western United States of America and its member organizations.

Armenian Assembly of America

Armenian Bar Association

Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg of North America

Armenian Democratic Liberal Party Western District

Armenian General Benevolent Union, Western District

Armenian Evangelical Union of North America

Armenian Missionary Association of America

Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region

Armenian Relief Society of Western USA

Armenian Revolutionary Federation of Western USA

Armenian Society of Los Angeles – Iranahay Miutyun

Armenian Youth Association of California – Irakahay Miutyun

Armenian Youth Federation of Western USA

Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society of the Western USA

Homenetmen Western USA

Iraqi Armenian Family Association of Los Angeles

Kessab Educational Association

Organization of Istanbul Armenians

Service Employees International Union – Armenian Caucus

Southern California Armenian Democrats

Tekeyan Cultural Association

Unified Young Armenians

Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America

Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America


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