By Artsvi Bakhchinian
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
LUSAKA, Zambia — My interviewee is Edmond (Eddy) Kherlopian, an Armenian who was born in 1942 in Kenya and now lives in Zambia with his wife Wendy Mansfield Kherlopian. He went to Prince of Wales High School in Nairobi, Kenya and was the managing director of Aquilla Printers Ltd in Lusaka.
Dear Edmond, for many years I have collected information about Armenians in Africa. I first read about your family in the travel notes of Mardiros Mozian, published in 1957. He wrote that in 1954 he has been in Nairobi where he visited the Kherlopian and Simonian families. He particularly mentioned that those families showed him “top traditional Armenian hosting…”
I do not recall Mardiros Mozian visiting us. We had so many visitors during those years. I would be very interested to read his memoirs.
I assume your family history goes back to Aintab; the family has given two representatives to Armenian culture — editor Dikran Kherlopian and philosopher Kevork Kherlopian.