Eighth-Century Settlement Discovered in Lernagog


YEREVAN (Public Radio of Armenia) — An 8th century B.C. settlement has been discovered at “Lernagog-1” site near the village of Lernagog in Armenia’s Armavir Province.

For the first time in the region archaeologists have uncovered a settlement, whose lower layers date back to the late 8th century or early 7th century B.C, Pavel Avetisyan, Director of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, told a press conference today.

“Before that the most ancient settlements found on the territory of Armenia dated back to the 6th century B.C.,” he said.

Specialists say that architectural traces found at the site prove that the area had been populated since the 8-7th centuries B.C.

Archaeologists have also discovered traces of a clay construction, which testifies to the fact that people mastered clay architecture.

According to Arthur Petrosyan, researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, it’s now a proved fact that residents of this part of the Armenian Highlands were active participants of the processes taking place at the beginning of the Neolithic era.

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