Young Talents at Providence Music Series



PROVIDENCE, R.I. — As part of the Music Appreciation Series, the Cultural Committee of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church, under the direction of conductor and composer Konstantin Petrossian, presented the debut of several talented performers. This performance took place on April 9, in the Egavian Cultural Center, 70 Jefferson St.

Zachary Haroutunian is a student of piano at the New England Conservatory of Music. Haroutunian has an ambitious schedule which has him performing throughout the region. Listening to him play the Brahms Rhapsody in g minor was reminiscent of rain falling upon a pool of still water. There was an indescribable fluidity felt as his fingers merged with the piano. He will be performing, this spring, at Jordan Hall. This young man has a bright future.

Haig Hovsepian (violin)

Haig Hovsepian is a 12-year-old, multi-faceted musician who, along with the violin, plays the piano, shvi, clarinet and saxophone. This young man is an immensely gifted individual who has already won several competitions. He melded with his violin so that it was difficult to discern the artist from the instrument. Hovsepian will certainly go on to win many more competitions.

Sevag Khatchadourian sings, accompanied by Levon Hovsepian.

Sevag Khatchadourian is an exciting vocalist of diverse genres. His pleasant, easy crooning style was very relaxing and enjoyable. He also gave a beautiful performance of Petrossian’s Hayastan. He performs in the greater Boston area. He has a love of singing and songwriting as part of his musical expression.

Nelli Balian and Alexandra Martirosian were the surprise debut performers of the evening. Their rendition of Rossini’s Cat’s Duet was extremely enjoyable. Although this amusing performance was presented with ease, it is quite challenging. Balian is a seventh grade student whose interests are varied. They include music, arts, design and gymnastics. Martirosian is a seventh grader who not only studies voice and piano, but also she excels in math having won several awards.

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Levon Hovsepian, piano accompanist, is an accomplished musician. He graduated from the Komitas Conservatory. He has received widespread acclaim abroad as well as being lauded in the United States. He has also made many well-received appearances as a piano soloist.

This festive evening ended with the members of the audience and the musicians mingling over refreshments provided by the Cultural Committee.

— Shirley Ventrone

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