By David Luhrssen
MILWAUKEE — St. John the Baptist Armenian Church was active throughout the holiday season in 2024-25. On December 22, a celebration of Western Christmas was added after Badarak [Liturgy] with the congregation singing familiar carols such as Silent Night and We Three Kings, interspersed with reading of the Christmas story. Santa (Mark Strong) visited the Culture Hall during lunch, bringing presents for the children.
On January 5, Armenian Christmas was observed with the traditional Blessing of the Water service conducted by Rev. Guregh Hambardzumyan and St. John’s former pastor, Rev. Nareg Keutelian. Arthur Spice was godfather of the cross and helped dispense the holy water to worshippers. In his Christmas sermon, Hambardzumyan explored the idea of the creator of the universe making himself known to humanity by becoming one of us. He used a story about an ancient Persian king who visited his kingdom in disguise as a metaphor for Jesus’ entry into our world. The birth of Jesus and the beginning of his spiritual mission on Earth, which began with his baptism as commemorated in the Blessing of the Water, gave humanity a clearer picture of God, his love for us and our responsibility to each other. The community gathered afterward for a lavish potluck Christmas lunch provided by members and friends.
The holidays continued for one more week at St. John with a first for the Milwaukee Armenian Community, a celebration of New Year based on the Julian calendar, in the Culture Hall following Badarak [Liturgy] on January 12. New Year’s Eve based on Julian Calendar continues to be observed in Jerusalem and some parts of the former Soviet Union countries.