St. Sarkis Armenian Church

Vote for Saint Sarkis Armenian Church as 2022 ‘American Building of the Year’


CARROLLTON, Tex. — The new Armenian Church of Saint Sarkis in Carrollton Texas, which celebrated its first Sunday service on Genocide Remembrance Day in 2022, was honored as the ‘US Building of the Week’ by the editors of the influential web platform World-Architects on April 25, 2022.

World-Architects has now invited the public to select the ‘American Building of the Year’ by popular vote from the forty buildings selected as ‘US Building of the Week’ in 2022.

The Saint Sarkis church is modeled on the ancient church of Saint Hripsime completed in AD 618 near Echmiadzin. The cornerstone of the Saint Sarkis Church was laid in 2018, exactly 1,400 years later, a testament to the endurance of the Armenian people in the face of genocide, dispossession and exile. The facade of the Saint Sarkis church is a memorial to the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the form of an Armenian cross composed of 1.5 million unique ornaments, each serving as a memorial to one of the 1.5 million Armenians martyred for their traditions and beliefs.

If Saint Sarkis is selected as the 2022 Building of the Year, the publicity will be used to place stories in American media that call attention to the resumption of the program of religious persecution, ethnic cleansing, expulsion and cultural genocide underway in Artsakh today.

Click here to learn more about the architecture of the Saint Sarkis Church and Community Center and help raise awareness in America of the ongoing persecution of Armenians in Artsakh today.

Click this link and scroll down to vote for the Saint Sarkis Armenian Church as the 2022 Building of the Year. Voting ends January 29th.

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