Allan Kaval

Allan Kaval Wins France’s Top Journalism Prize for Syria Coverage


PARIS ( — The 2020 Albert Londres Prize has been awarded to Le Monde reporter Allan Kaval for his coverage of the war in Syria.

The Albert Londres jury hailed Kaval’s reports from the “Syrian hell,” published in October 2019, featuring a series of portraits “imbued with humanity.”

His coverage and analysis of the “slow death of jihadist prisoners” held in inhumane conditions in Kurdish centres in northeastern Syria also won him the prestigious Bayeux award for war correspondents and the Ouest-France Jean Marin Prize.

Kaval remains in hospital after he was seriously wounded in October while reporting on the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

“I’m incredibly honoured,” Kaval told AFP news agency. “But behind each report there are around 10 people who are not given credit for their absolutely essential contributions.

“This really is teamwork,” he said, naming one photographer, Laurence Geai, who accompanied him in Syria.

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The 82nd Albert Londres prize is the third consecutive year that Le Monde has won the “French Pulitzer.”

People: Allan Kaval
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