SAN FRANCISCO — Some Azerbaijanis around the world are targeting Armenians, possibly responding to jingoistic messages issued by the country’s government, in the wake of that country’s sudden act of aggression against Armenia.
In the wake of the defeat, the governments of both Azerbaijan and Turkey have issued incendiary messages aimed at their own diasporas, as well as Armenians both in Armenia and abroad.
It is not surprising then that these words are being translated into acts of violence and destruction of property and vandalism across the world.
San Francisco
On July 23, the Krouzian Zekarian Vasbouragan (KZV) Armenian School in San Francisco, as well as its adjacent community center, were vandalized, an act that has been categorized as a hate crime by police.
The walls were covered with profanity, the Azeri flag colors and insults to Armenians.