Ararat Lodge Ceremony to Honor Armenian Community Leaders


By Daphne Abeel
Special to the Mirror-Spectator

BOSTON — On Friday, November 11, the Knights of Vartan Ararat Lodge Number 1 will hold its annual awards ceremony at the Renaissance Waterfront Hotel on Long Wharf in Boston. The evening will begin with a reception at 7 p.m., followed by dinner at 8.

“This is a big and important event for us,” said Awards Committee Chairman Nigoghos Atinizian. “Every year, we honor individuals who have made important contributions to the Armenian community, people who have demonstrated leadership. We are giving three awards this year.”

The Man of the Year Award will be given to Aurelian Mardiros, who has been very active within the Knights of Vartan and who has also made a major charitable contribution to the creation of Armenian Heritage Park. His firm, A&A Industries, has fabricated and donated the sculpture, which will be the centerpiece of the park.

Registrar of Motor Vehicles Rachel Kaprielian will receive the Community Leader Award. “Rachel has been a leader in various ways in the Armenian community and beyond,” said Atinizian, “She is a real role model.”

John Peterson, an active Knight, will receive the Faithful Knight Award. Peterson spearheaded the creation of the Ararat Lodge scholarships and has worked with other organizations such as the Rotary Club on various community projects.

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The guest speaker for the evening will be Archbishop Pargev Martirossian, Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh.

Musical performances will be provided by Victoria Avetisyan, mezzo-soprano, Yeghishe Manucharian, tenor, and DJ Chris Habibian. Proceeds from the evening will go to the Knights of Vartan World Bank Project and Armenia Fund USA. “We welcome all contributions,” said Atinizian.

Past award recipients include former state representative and current Sheriff of Middlesex County Peter Koutoujian, Arthur Maranian and Heather Krafian.

The Knights of Vartan, a fraternal organization, has been in existence since 1916. It was founded to assist Armenian organizations and various charities. For more information and tickets, call the KoV office at (617) 610-9399.

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