Genocide Resolution to Be Considered by Foreign Affairs Committee


WASHINGTON — The Armenian Assembly of America applauded the official announcement this week of House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman (D-CA) to mark-up the Armenian Genocide resolution, H. Res. 252, in early March.
In the Assembly’s letter to Berman regarding consideration of H. Res. 252, the Assembly thanked him on behalf of the entire community for his strong support during his tenure in Congress, and recalled his eloquent remarks that “Genocide is a very powerful word, and should be reserved for only the most horrific examples of mass killing motivated by a desire to destroy an entire people. Without a doubt, this term is appropriate to describe the unimaginable atrocities suffered by the Armenian people from 1915-1918.”

Given the continued campaign to deny this crime against humanity, the Assembly’s letter urged consideration by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and noted that the legislation boasted more than 130 cosponsors, including more than a dozen that serve on the Committee itself.
As part of its ongoing effort to secure US reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, the Assembly secured this week the support of a major American

coalition, the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC), which comprises 18 national organizations representing more than 22 million Americans who trace their heritage to Central and Eastern Europe. Founded in 1994, the CEEC has offered a critical voice in helping to shape US foreign policy.

In addition, at a Capital Hill meeting earlier this week with key congressional supporters of the legislation, which was jointly attended by the Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee of America, the prospects and timing for Committee consideration of H. Res. 252 were discussed.

“On behalf of the entire Armenian-American community, we welcome Chairman Berman’s announcement. We appreciate the Chairman’s continued commitment to this important human rights legislation,” stated Executive Director, Bryan Ardouny. “We also applaud the dedication and tenacity of the resolution’s sponsors, Congressmen Schiff, Radanovich, Pallone and Kirk, along with the continued efforts of Congresswomen Eshoo and Speier and Congressman Sherman,” continued Ardouny.

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