New Paths and KA Coaching Bring Self-Awareness Conversation to Teens


WATERTOWN — New Paths-Bridging Armenian Women (NP) is collaborating with New Paths member Kristin Asadourian on “It’s Okay to Be You: A Talk about Self-Awareness.” The talk is designed to benefit parents and youth ages 13-18. The event will take place at St. James Armenian Church, 465 Mount Auburn St., on Sunday, April 15, from 2 to 3:30p.m.

You can learn more about Kristin Asadourian and her practice at, about Pete Asadourian and his work at and New Paths by visiting their Facebook page, News Paths- Bridging Armenian Women.

NP is a Boston-based women’s networking group on-line. In addition the group provides quarterly forums and collaborates with speakers to bring helpful and informative discussions to the community.

Asadourian, a social worker, life coach, motivational speaker and founder of KA Coaching, and Pete Asadourian, a strength and conditioning coach and founder of Future Fitness Pro, are bringing their talents to Watertown on April 15. Both Asadourians have worked with young people their entire careers and possess an understanding of and ability to connect with them. Pete Asadourian believes in the power of sports and exercise to get his clients focused on themselves and their self-worth. Kristin Asadourian’s approach is to get her clients to slow down and focus inward.

She states, “It is extremely important that we realize our gifts and use them to their fullest potential. I work alongside my clients as they journey into discovering and utilizing their gifts.” Both spend a great deal of time getting their clients to reach a heightened level of all around awareness in themselves and their abilities.

“Whether on the playing field or in life, success comes when a person lives and plays based on her/ his values. Connecting to your gifts is a spiritual journey that leads to a fulfilled life,” states Kristin Asadourian.

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