Doctors from the Muratsan Center, Liana Safaryan and Gevorg Tamamyan, with Cynthia Kazanjian

Muratsan Oncology Clinic Doctors Visit Boston Area


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — This September, two doctors from the Muratsan Oncology Clinic in Yerevan, specializing in pediatric cancers, came to Boston, where they met with local members of the community at a gathering at Holy Trinity Armenian Church.

The doctors were invited by local resident Cynthia Kazanjian and came to visit area hospitals as well as raise funds for their clinic.

So far, the hospital has raised a total of $30,000 in Massachusetts this year.

During the September program, Armenian American Veterans of the Corporal Paul Marsoubian Post presented the hospital with a check for $10,000.


Vaughan Kriokorian, and his father, Neil, take donations for the center.

Speaking at the program were doctors Liana Safaryan and Gevorg Tamamyan.

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One of the volunteers raising funds for the hospital who was present at the program was Vaughan Krikorian, 12, the grandson of Cynthia Kazanjian. Last year he raised $2,000 for the clinic, while this year, so far, he has raised $1,000.

It was his question — “What are we going to do about this?” — that began the journey to raise the money for the clinic while the family was visiting Armenia as part of a tour organized by the Holy Trinity Armenian Church.

He told the audience about seeing children his age or younger who had hair loss, needles in their arms, bedridden and too sick to pick up their heads, and the impression they made on him.  The guests that evening were so touched by his presentation. They were amazed at his comfort level, holding a microphone and speaking with such a genuine nature, to the group. Many of the attendees donated that evening.

It was after that presenation that George Haroutunian came to the front of the room and talked about the Armenian American Veterans (AMVETS). He told the audience that he had come with a blank check, that his fellow veterans agreed, unanimously, to donate and that he had their approval of $10,000 for a worthy cause. He wrote the check after listening to the Doctors from Armenia and Dr. Leslie Lehmann the Clinical Director of the Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Center at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorder Center.

Safaryan is an Oncologist at Muratsan and assistant professor of oncology at Yerevan State Medical University. Tamamyan is a physican and also holds a doctorate.

There was a representation of Clergy at the event as well. Rev. Mampre Kouzouian, pastor emeritus of Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Rev. Vasken Kouzouian, Pastor at Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Deacon Levon Asdourian, Intern at Holy Trinity (in a separate picture with Arpie Kouzouian) newly Ordained Minister, Joseph Garabedian, First Armenian Church.

Kazanjian will be meeting with Dana Farber in December to tie up loose ends and determine how the funds will be forwarded to Muratsan Chemotherapy Clinic.


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