Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church Raises Funds for Families of Martyred Soldiers Defending Borders


PASADENA, Calif. — On Sunday, February 12, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day and utilizing Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, executive director of the Armenian Evangelical World Council’s visit, the Mission and Outreach Committee of the Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church organized a luncheon and cultural program to raise funds for families of soldiers who lost their lives defending the borders of Artsakh and Armenia.

After a spiritual feast during the morning worship service presented by Tootikian, more than 120 attendees congregated at the Church’s Derian Social Hall to enjoy a luncheon sponsored by Vigen Shnorhokian. A short program followed the luncheon and consisted of poems and musical selections on the piano by sister/brother Arpi and Armen Samuelian. They delighted the guests by playing pieces from Aram Khachaturian, Arno Babajanian, Chopin and other famous composers.

Anet Baghdasarian, who was specially invited to participate in the program, shared her story of losing her soldier brother 20 years ago.  With tears in her eyes she said how such a tragedy leads to bitterness and disconnects from God. She emphasized the important mission of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) reaching out to the families of those who have lost loved ones in the war defending their country, and attending not only their physical needs, but also their spiritual needs. Following her presentation, Nerses Aroyan, who served as the MC, made a special appeal to raise funds for this important mission. More than $4,000 was raised which will be sent to Armenia through the AMAA, to help the families of these brave soldiers.

Alice Terian, chair of the Mission and Outreach Committee, coordinated the luncheon.



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