By Hagop Vartivarian
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
NEW YORK – A delegation from Armenia of National Assembly representatives visited New York on Saturday, March 10 and held a meeting with representatives of the Armenian community at St. Vartan Cathedral hosted by Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern). The delegation had previously visited Washington D. C., where they met with Congressmen and other high-ranking American government officials.
The representatives spoke about their efforts at establishing state contacts during new political developments in the West, as well as the electoral changes in Armenia. They praised the participation of diasporan Armenians in Armenia’s economic growth.
They talked about three important fields of cooperation with the United States and stressed the importance of the Armenian lobbying organizations in this country. While revealing their concerns about emigration from Armenia and economic improvement, they expressed the hope that the new government will quickly find solutions to these issues.
Archbishop Barsamian called for cooperation and mutual confidence in an effort to fortify Armenia-diaspora relations and remarked that American Armenians were preparing to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of St. Vartan Cathedral in New York. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan voiced his good wishes for success.