By Edmond Y. Azadian
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has extended his particular brand of “olive branch” to Syria. Since the days of Noah, the olive branch has been synonymous with peace, or a peace initiative.
But that branch, in Mr. Erdogan’s hands, has brought mayhem to the people in the region.
In the first place, Turkey’s incursion into Syria is a violation of international law. It has not been sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council or any other international authority. And furthermore, the excuse used for invading the territory of a sovereign nation is a fake one. As the Turkish war machine mows down hundreds of civilians, homes and antiquities in Afrin, the excuse is that Ankara is out to destroy Kurdish “terrorist” structures to secure its border with Syria.
The Kurds waged historic battles in the region to destroy the entrenched Islamic State, with the arms and political support of the US. For a long time, the US and Turkey exchanged diatribes and they were heading toward a confrontation because the two sides were supporting opposing parties in the battlefield.