Topic: diplomacy

The relationship between Armenia and Turkey has a significant influence on the geopolitical landscape of the South Caucasus. The Turkish blockade of Armenia and refusal to establish diplomatic relations, coupled[...]

On July 9-11, the United States hosted NATO’s summit celebrating the 75th anniversary of the organization. Its goal was to unite the Alliance’s 32 member states to address pressing global challenges.[...]

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana on July 4 did not receive significant attention in Armenian political and media circles. In fact, the events in Astana have been[...]

A few days ago, Armenia recognized Palestine’s statehood, becoming the 143rd out of 193 United Nations member states to recognize its independence, joining powers like Russia, Spain, Norway, Turkey and[...]

Following the military takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan in September 2023 and the forced displacement of Armenians, Azerbaijan has pursued a double-pronged strategy in negotiations with Armenia. Its first approach[...]

By Avedis Hadjian Special to the Mirror-Spectator The Armenian National Congress recently released a statement rebutting a comment by Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan claiming that Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the first[...]

In recent days, the most discussed topic in Armenia remains Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statements directed towards the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the president of Belarus. There have[...]

Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to Moscow had some interesting nuances. Pashinyan did not attend Vladimir Putin’s inauguration ceremony on May 7, citing the absence of an invitation. On May 8, he[...]

After he took office, President Joe Biden declared, “Diplomacy is back.” Top aides Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan repeated the mantra. Their implication? The Trump era’s[...]

Before the Armenian authorities announced the transfer of four Tavush villages to Azerbaijan, causing a significant commotion, a major point of discussion in Armenia was whether Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan[...]