BEIRUT – The Vahan Tekeyan School is located in the hub of the Armenian community in this vibrant city, in the Bourdj Hammoud neighborhood, populated predominantly by Armenians. Since the inception of the school, the American-Armenian community has supported it generously.
In the initial years, there were very active Tekeyan School auxiliary committees on the East Coast and West Coast of the US dedicated diligently to fundraising for the school. The fundraising role was later relegated to the Central Board of the Tekeyan Cultural Association in the US and Canada.
With the deteriorating economic situation in Lebanon the school has fallen on hard times. As an emergency measure, the Central Board allocated $10,000 for it in April 2016 through Nar Khatchadourian, member of Tekeyan Founders.
The Tekeyan Board also has an ongoing program to support five Tekeyan schools in Armenia and Karabagh. The program is called Sponsor a Teacher, which raises $40,000 annually.