By Taleen Babayan
NEW YORK — The centennial of the Armenian Genocide last year reinvigorated worldwide efforts to not only commemorate the massacres of 1.5 million lost lives but a renewed effort to seek recognition and justice.
Entering a new century of commemorations, thousands gathered in one of the most notable landmarks in the world — Times Square, New York, on Sunday, April 24, 2016, to pay homage to those killed in 1915 and to show the perpetrators and the world at large that the legacy of those who perished during the Armenian Genocide continues to live on.
Descendants of survivors flanked every corner of Times Square, holding high the flags of Armenia and Artsakh, memorializing their ancestors and showing ongoing support for their homeland.
The full and seamless program, planned and executed by the Knights and Daughters of Vartan for the past 31 years, once again drew Armenians from the East Coast to the center of New York City, displaying their dedication to the memory of the martyrs while calling for justice.
Elected officials, who show steadfast support for Armenian Genocide recognition in the U.S. year after year, were in attendance and affirmed their commitment to the Armenian people, including Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), who insisted that, “genocide is genocide and it cannot be called anything else.”