From Arpi Sarafian

Arpi Sarafian

“This is it, Iskender, efendi. The end,” Aram Bohjalian, an old friend of the Agha Boghos family, tells his buddy as the Turks capture the Armenian quarter in Ourfa and[...]

The world of Armenian literature is all the richer for the compilation of renowned poet Vahe-Vahian’s private letters, published posthumously in 2012, under the title The Heart of the Poet.[...]

PASADENA, Calif. — I cannot think of anything more challenging than teaching Armenian language and culture to students in a non-Armenian public school setting. Nonetheless, that is precisely what the[...]

ALTADENA, Calif. — There was nothing typical about the literary and musical program presented at the Tekeyan Cultural Association’s Beshgeturian Center in Altadena, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the[...]

“My grandmother/and great-aunt . . . didn’t go to church/because they had survived the genocide,” writes Arda Collins in “Easter,” a poem in Star Lake (The Song Cave, 2022), Collins’s[...]

A “new unspoiled unchained order,” where the extraordinarily gifted are free to live in their own “solitude,” and not in an “isolation” imposed on them by the “chains” of the[...]

Vehanoush Tekian’s Woman in Trial And in Revelation (Zankag Publishing House, Yerevan, Armenia, 2022), reaffirms Virginia Woolf’s assertion that “the principle which controls the essay is simply that it should[...]

Published posthumously by the ARI Literature Foundation (Yerevan, 2021), with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the poems in To Say with Passion: Why Am I Here? show a[...]

Nigoghos Sarafian’s The Bois de Vincennes (Wayne State University Press, 2011), hailed as one of the most important texts of twentieth-century Armenian diasporic literature, transports the reader to a land[...]

The United States of America has been portrayed as the land of freedom and opportunity, a refuge for the oppressed and the poor. Immigrants from all over the world come[...]

“However painful and strange and alienating that act may feel,” Alan Semerdjian is determined to deliver something that goes beyond the euphemisms, the look-aways, and the cover-ups. To convey something[...]