From Arpi Sarafian

Arpi Sarafian

The United States of America has been portrayed as the land of freedom and opportunity, a refuge for the oppressed and the poor. Immigrants from all over the world come[...]

“However painful and strange and alienating that act may feel,” Alan Semerdjian is determined to deliver something that goes beyond the euphemisms, the look-aways, and the cover-ups. To convey something[...]

LOS ANGELES — “Thank you for moving our hearts,” was the concluding remark of moderator Alice Petrossian at the “Beyond The Book: Transforming Armenian Children’s Literature” webinar, organized by the[...]

In Three Apples Fell from The Sky (Oneworld, 2020), author Narine Abgaryan takes us to the heart of Maran, a village perched on a cliff in the Armenian highlands, at[...]

Synergy from the Stress Points of Four Lifelines (Baraka, 2021), the latest in Kardash Onnig’s Baraka Projects, makes the intangible tangible. In the artist’s own words, the sensually-created carvings assembled[...]

The book “I am about to write, nobody else can write . . . It is going to be unique in its depth and breadth,” notes Adam Nourian, the protagonist[...]

The world of Ara Iskanderian’s first published novella, Godless Hour — A Yerevan Tale (Gomidas Institute, 2021) is a fantasy world. In the author’s own words, it is a world[...]

LOS ANGELES — On a recent visit to ABRIL bookstore in Glendale, I picked up copies of Zabel Yessayan’s Captive Nights and of Shushanik Kurghinian’s I Want To Live. While[...]

Special to the Mirror-Spectator “Today he’s forgotten, the most forgotten famous writer of the 20th century.” Mark Arax The reception of a literary text would probably be different if we[...]

When so much seems lost to our governments’ policies of war and destruction, it is good to know that art is still available to open our eyes to a different[...]

Alec Ekmekji’s The Unauthorized Biography of Tango Woman: A Tone Poem in Fifteen Movements is an eloquent reminder of the redeeming power of beauty. The recently published volume of haikus[...]