Nazar Najarian

At Least 13 Armenians Die in Beirut Tragedy


BEIRUT (Combined Sources) — According to Lebanese sources, 11 Armenians were among the approximately 200 killed after the explosion in the city’s port on Tuesday, August 4, and 250 were injured. They were residents of various parts of Lebanon, but at the time of the explosion were in the city center, which is close to the beach.

Liza Kavoukjian-Gozubeougian
Jessica Bezdjian
Jack Barmakian
Varoujan Tosunian
Gaya Fodoulian
Dalia Papazian
Anahit Berberian

The names of most of the Armenian victims are known. They are Nazar Najarian, Jessica Bezdjian, Delia Papazian, Jack Barmakian, Anahit Berberian, Liza Kavoukjian-Gozubeougian, Varoujan Tosunian, Gaya Fodoulian, Sarkis Tekirian. The names of the other victims have not yet been released. In addition, there are several who are missing and not yet confirmed as dead.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan puts the number at 13, however.


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