Tekeyan Cultural Association Coronavirus Announcement


The Central Board of the Tekeyan Cultural Association of the United States and Canada has been closely following the dramatic developments concerning the spread of the coronavirus named COVID-19. It is a serious situation warranting caution without panic.

The Central Board realizes that while many aspects of this new virus are still not fully known, it appears that its spread throughout our communities in North America is unavoidable over the next few months. Conditions vary, however, in different regions. Consequently, we recommend that our chapters follow the directives of their local governments and use common sense in planning activities and programs.

We strongly recommend that all chapters and centers postpone or cancel group activities in order to avoid endangering the health of participants, especially the elderly and vulnerable. In particular, programs that imply traveling must be postponed until further notice. Some chapters have already taken the initiative to do so.

In the meantime, we ask that our Tekeyan centers and buildings be frequently disinfected and meetings and other organizational business be conducted via internet or phone as opposed to in person as much as possible in order to slow down the potential spread of the virus. Any third party renting our premises must show compliance with the local authorities’ directives.

We appreciate your attentiveness to this matter. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to consult with our headquarters in Watertown, MA.

March 12, 2020

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