WASHINGTON — A delegation of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (ADL) met with the newly elected Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, on June 28. The delegation congratulated the Primate on his election and discussed with the latter current issues pertaining to the Eastern Diocese and the Armenian Church in general.
The Primate was accompanied by Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan of St. Mary Armenian Church of Washington DC. The ADL delegation included, from left, Berta Baghjajian, member of the ADL Supreme Council Edmond Y. Azadian, Fr. Karapetyan, Fr. Findikyan, member of the Supreme Council Hagop Vartivarian, President of the Supreme Council Vartan Nazerian, Supreme Council member Kevork Marashlian, and Tekeyan Cultural Association Executive Director Aram Arkun.