WORCESTER — The Knights Of Vartan Arshavir Lodge No. 2 is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its first official meeting (September 26, 1916) with a commemorative dinner and program on September 26, 6 p.m., in the Church Hall of the Armenian Church Of Our Saviour, 87 Salisbury St.
The program features guest speaker John B. Anderson, former mayor of Worcester, who will discuss his reflections on “1916: A Time Of Change.”
Current Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty will present a City Proclamation in honor of the Centennial Commemoration as well as citations from the Massachusetts House of Representatives by state Rep. David Muradian and the state Senate by state Sen. Harriette Chandler.
In addition, Rev. Dr. Gary R. Shahinian will introduce a new Knights Of Vartan Charitable Appeal, Diaspora For Frontline Family Fund (DFFF).
A traditional Armenian dinner will be served before the program at $15.00 per person. Reservations are required by e-mail at chazz2404@yahoo. com.
The event is open to the general public.