Open Letter From Hirair Hovnanian to Gerry Cafesjian



As I look back to the years wasted by the multiple lawsuits that you initiated against the Armenian Genocide Museum and Memorial (AGMM) and the Armenian Assembly, I note that today you are at the same exact point you were in 2006 when you were in control of the project. At that time, the other AGMM Board Members acquiesced to your plan with our votes – you have it writing.

I chose to write to you in this open forum only after being silent throughout this entire trial, even though you used your media sources to constantly spread false facts and mean spirited articles about me during the trial.

As I have said many times, the motivation for my involvement with the project is my belief that building a Genocide museum in our nation’s capital is a noble endeavor for the Armenian people.

Now that you have fought so hard to have all the properties and thus absolute control over the project, it is my hope that you are truly committed to dedicating these properties to the building of an Armenian Genocide museum, as you had promised the Judge and the Armenian people. It is my hope that this project will not suffer the same fate as did the grand vision you had for your art museum in Yerevan which remains to this day unrealized, and that you are even more motivated to complete the Genocide museum on the grand $200 million scale that you have so often spoken about.

Although you were unwilling to guarantee during litigation that these properties will be used solely for a museum, you have an obligation to the Armenian people to build this Genocide museum in accordance with the vision initially espoused and without any conditions. If you had been willing to guarantee this, I may have been able to convince all interested parties to agree not to file an appeal.

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Hirair Hovnanian


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