By Tom Vartabedian
NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. — Albert S. Movsesian is in the driver’s seat — literally.
Each week when the call comes from Northern Essex Elder Transport (NEET), into his car he goes to drive a patient into Boston to a medical appointment.
From his residence in North Andover, he is apt to comb the Merrimack Valley for a pickup, make the 40-mile commute through congested traffic and difficult weather conditions, hang around a hospital or doctor’s office for two to four hours, then return home.
For the 81-year-old Movsesian, it is just another way to help his fellow man. It is a volunteer lift he’s given over the past 18 years, logging more than 25,000 miles. For NEET, he’s the man behind the wheel when it comes to longevity and loyalty. Average it out and it comes to about 50 trips a year, always putting his passengers ahead of himself.
“You can thank my mother for this,” says Movsesian. “She always maintained that the best way to improve the world was to start with the individual. She was big on community service.”
It’s all about gratitude, he insists. Except for gas money, he doesn’t get a cent. What’s more, he’s never missed an appointment. Even more amazing is the fact that Movsesian has been driving for 65 years and never been cited for a traffic violation.