Paul Ignatius

Schiff Introduces Bill to Name Post Office for Former Navy Secretary Ignatius


WASHINGTON — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) introduced a bill on November 17, H.R. 9251, that would name a United States Postal Office in Glendale, in honor of the dedicated service of former Navy Secretary Paul Ignatius, who will be 102 years old in November, reported the Armenian Assembly of America.

Ignatius, born and raised in Glendale, was an American government official who served as Secretary of the Navy between 1967 and 1969, and was the Assistant Secretary of Defense during President Lyndon Johnson’s Administration.

The son of Armenian parents who migrated to the United States from the Kharpert region, Ignatius earned his B.A. degree from the University of Southern California, and his MBA degree from Harvard Business School.

He began his military career in the Navy during World War II, and following his graduation from Harvard Business School, began to work with the Department of Defense.

A longtime advocate of the Armenian community in California, particularly Glendale, where his family was one of the earliest Armenians who settled there in 1911, Ignatius serves as a member of the USC Dornsife Institute of Armenian Studies National Honorary Council and as a supporter of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of America, to be built in Glendale.

“The Armenian Assembly welcomes H.R. 9251 that will honor Paul Ignatius by naming a post office after him in his hometown of Glendale, CA,” said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. “This is a testament to Paul’s lifetime of service not only in the American context, but also an Armenian one,” Ardouny added.

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