Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian, left, with Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara (Photo courtesy of Harvard University)

Koutoujian, Minneapolis Police Chief Discuss Cultivating Reform at Harvard Summit


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Middlesex (MA) Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian and Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara recently served as featured presenters at the 2024 Public Safety Summit at Harvard University.

The leadership and education program for senior level law enforcement leaders including police chiefs, commissioners and sheriffs from across the country was held April 5-7 in Cambridge.

As nationally-recognized leaders, Koutoujian and O’Hara discussed cultivating change and implementing reforms through engagement with both internal and external audiences. They also focused on efforts to increase morale and build buy-in from staff, while simultaneously balancing community expectations and priorities.

“Cultivating change and implementing comprehensive reforms within large organizations requires both effective leadership and the ability to collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders,” said Sheriff Koutoujian. “I’ve known Chief O’Hara for several years and have tremendous respect for how he has accomplished this in not one, but two major cities. I truly appreciated the opportunity to present alongside him and share our experiences with colleagues from across the country.”

“It was an honor to present alongside Sheriff Koutoujian at the 2024 Public Safety Summit at Harvard,” O’Hara said. “Sheriff Koutoujian has a wealth of experience leading and rebuilding trust in law enforcement, and it was great to reflect on ways we can continue to move our agencies and our communities forward together.”

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