Sayat Nova Dance Company of Boston Celebrates 35th Anniversary


BOSTON — As our communities recover from an epidemic that has pained many families, threatened our ways of life, and irreversibly changed the way we conduct affairs and events, the Sayat Nova Dance Company of Boston (SNDC) wants to salute the resilience and focus of our community organizations that continue to carry the torch of our nation and her people.

On the weekend of October 8, SNDC will celebrate 35 years of existence within the community fabric of Boston. A grand achievement for sure, some perspective allows one to fully measure the significance of this anniversary celebration. In 1986, the world was a very different place which saw the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident, the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster, as well as the first initial public offering of a small start-up company called Microsoft.

Sayat Nova Dance Company dancers

SNDC was formed in January 1986 as an independent, non-profit dance ensemble under the direction of Apo Ashjian. With his leadership and the efforts of a handful of dedicated individuals, the company began its journey of bringing young, talented individuals together from all ages and backgrounds to join in bringing Armenian folk dance to life. The company takes its name from the famous 18th century troubadour whose beautiful music and poetry captures the essence of the Armenian soul and spirit. As part of a rich culture, Armenian folk dancing is a reflection of life and the legacy of the Armenian people.

On Saturday, October 8, there will be a performance at 7 p.m. at the Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre at Regis College in Weston. On Sunday, October 9, there will be a gala banquet at 6 p.m. at the Castle, Framingham Sheraton, featuring Gohar Hovhannisyan and band.

Visit www.sayatnova.com/35th-anniversary for tickets and more information. You can also support the dance company by placing an add and/or a message in our commemorative 35th anniversary booklet.

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