By Gohar Palyan
NEW YORK/YEREVAN — The Knights and Daughters of Vartan, joining the Ayo program of the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, raised over $10,000 for food and everyday necessities for people in the Tavush border region of Armenia.
COVID-19 is spreading. The lock down in Armenia has left scores of people with either limited income or no income at all. They needed help more than ever. Knights of Vartan Past Grand Commander Nigoghos Atinizian initiated a matching fund. He and his wife, Roset donated $5,000 to be matched by funds raised by the Knights and Daughters of Vartan and friends.
“People in Tavush region are hardworking and I have met many of them during my frequent visits to Armenia. We know the pandemic is temporary and one day we will overcome it. But there are families who need our urgent support now and we would like to stand by their side during this needed time” said Nigoghos Atinizian.
Just one week after announcing the matching fund drive to the Knights and Daughters of Vartan community across the United States, over $10,000 was raised for COVID-19 relief in the Tavush region.
The Tavush region has the longest geographical border with Azerbaijan. The region is a strategic location and for decades the Knights and Daughters of Vartan and its members have been involved in numerous charitable projects to help support its people. Among those efforts is the COVID-19 Relief project with Ayo. It is essential given the current pandemic that now spreads in Armenia and in the world.