Peter and Irene Vosbikian to Receive Global Humanitarian Award at Armenian Assembly Celebration


PHILADELPHIA — The Armenian Assembly of America will honor Life Trustees Peter and Irene Vosbikian with the Global Humanitarian Award at the Philadelphia Celebration on Saturday, April 28 at the National Constitution Center.

The Vosbikians are longtime members of the Assembly, and continue to be leading figures in advocacy and philanthropy. Peter Vosbikian was on the Board of Directors from 2000-2006, and served as chairman in 2002 and 2003. He also served on the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee from 2007 through 2009. During his Chairmanship, he encouraged more delegations of public policy makers, and trustees and member mission trips to visit Armenia and Artsakh, especially for young Armenian Americans.

They have contributed to many different program areas, especially the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program. The Vosbikians have previously hosted interns in their summer home in New Jersey and encouraged students to participate in the internship programs the Assembly offers in Washington, D.C. and Yerevan, Armenia.

“Peter and Irene represent the very best of our values and ideals. Their passion for Armenian issues knows no bounds, and their steadfast commitment to the Assembly over the decades is truly remarkable,” Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny said. “The Philadelphia Celebration will not only honor the Vosbikians, but is also an opportunity for Young Professionals, Assembly intern alumni, and our friends in the community to connect with one another and enjoy a fun-filled evening,” he added.

Additionally, the couple has been major donors to the Armenian Sisters Academy in Radnor, Penn. and the Armenian Prelacy.  They support many other causes, most importantly the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, and St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.

Both were born in Philadelphia and grew up in nearby neighborhoods in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t until college, at Temple University in Philadelphia, where they first met. On November 8, 1964 the couple was married and eventually had four children, Paul, David, Terry, and Mary.

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At the very same time, the Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception arrived in Philadelphia to open a new Armenian school. Prior to the opening of the school, Irene Vosbikian visited the Sisters every week in order to learn the Armenian language. Having mastered Latin in High School, Irene Vosbikian learned very quickly and within two years she was able to read, write, and speak Armenian. She did this primarily to converse with her husband’s parents.

She was fascinated by the hardships endured by Peter Vosbikian’s parents. She spent countless hours with Peter’s father listening to the nightmare he experienced in Turkey prior to escaping the Armenian Genocide. This resulted in her first novel, titled Bedros, which was originally published in 1983 then re-published in 2013. In 2015, she read passages from her book during one of the Assembly’s annual Members Meeting in Boca Raton, Florida. She signed copies for guests who purchased the book, with all proceeds benefitting the Armenian Assembly.

Not long after, Irene authored the book The Carnation Tablet, based on the life of her father Rudolph and his tragic death in 1944. The Carnation Tablet was actually the diary that her father kept during World War II.  He made entries into this diary several times a week up until the time of his death.

Peter Vosbikian joined the family business after graduating college in 1963. Quickie Manufacturing Corporation was in the business of manufacturing and marketing household cleaning tools. He became chairman and president of the company in 1971.  When he retired in 2004, company market share had grown to the number one position in the US.

Today, the couple resides in Moorestown, NJ surrounded by their four children, their respective spouses, and 11 grandchildren.

If interested in becoming a sponsor for the evening, contact Assembly Development Director Nazanee Topian at RSVP by Friday, April 16.

To learn more about the Philadelphia Celebration, please visit or the Armenian Assembly of America Facebook Page.

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