PARAMUS, N.J. – The Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) of Greater New York hosted a gala celebration of the 70th anniversary of TCA at the Terrace at Biagio’s with over 250 guests. The evening was held under the auspices of Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) and the presidency of Nazar and Artemis Nazarian. Notable guests included Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Armenia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and his wife, and leaders of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian Missionary Association of America, Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, Armenian Relief Society, and Fund for Armenian Relief.
The master of ceremonies was Greater NY TCA member and attorney Jerry Misk. The invocation was offered by Very Rev. Oshagan Gulgulian of St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian Church of Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, a graduate of Beirut’s Vahan Tekeyan School.
Hilda Hartounian, chair of the TCA of Greater New York, welcomed the guests.
Hagop Kassardjian, chairman of the TCA Founders Committee of Lebanon, who had come specially for this occasion, spoke not only about the history of TCA but the imperatives of the present. Aram Arkun, executive director of the TCA of the US and Canada, spoke about the legacy of the late Dr. Nubar Berberian, longtime secretary of the TCA of the US and Canada. Nora Azadian, the sole person in the hall who personally had known Vahan Tekeyan, recited to great applause his poem “The Soul of the Armenian.”
The Nazarians were honored and presented with the Lifetime Benefactor Award.
The keynote speaker was Edmond Y. Azadian, who praised the work of the Greater New York chapter and spoke of the mission of TCA, which follows the vision of Vahan Tekeyan.