BOSTON — On Thursday, November 2, the Armenian Mirror-Spectator, as part of its two-part 85th anniversary celebration, will sponsor a symposium on the campus of Wellesley College.
The panel will feature journalists Robert Fisk, David Barsamian, Philip Terzian and Amberin Zaman. It is titled “Journalism and ‘Fake News’: Armenian Genocide and Karabakh.”
Aram Arkun, the Tekeyan Cultural Association’s executive director and the Mirror-Spectator’s assistant editor, will act as moderator.
Terzian (at right) is a senior editor at The Weekly Standard, having served as literary editor during 2005-2012. A native of the Washington, DC, area and a journalist for more than 40 years, he has been a writer and editor at Reuters, newspapers in Alabama and Kentucky, the New Republic and the Los Angeles Times, and was editorial page editor of the Providence Journal. For 20 years, he wrote a political/foreign affairs column syndicated by the Scripps Howard News Service. In addition, during 1978-79 he was speechwriter for Secretary of State Cyrus Vance.
Terzian has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in commentary, Pulitzer juror, media fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford, traveling fellow of the American Journalism Foundation, and is a member of the American Council on Germany. He is a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, the New Criterion, the Times Literary Supplement, Sewanee Review and other publications.