Pro-Kurdish Party Demands Parliament Investigation of Dink Case


ISTANBUL (Armenpress) — President of the parliamentary faction of the Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which currently holds 59 seats in parliament, Idris Baluken and Garo Paylan elected in Istanbul, demanded that parliament of the country investigate the murder case of the Armenian editor-in-chief of Agos, Hrant Dink.

In the proposal submitted to the parliament, they have mentioned that it has been nine years since Dink’s assassination and the crime has still not been exposed fully, due to an effective investigation. They stated that the deep state ties engaged in the murder have not been revealed, the role of the media establishments that had targeted him prior to the murder have not been examined.

They added that the removal from office of the prosecutor that had filed a lawsuit adds the doubts. Prosecutor Kökçü had prepared indictments against a number of high ranking officials, including former Istanbul Intelligence Branch Chief Sabri Uzun, former Trabzon Provincial Police Chief Resat Altay and the current Chief of Security General Directorate Intelligence Branch Engin Dinc. The indictments were sent back by the General Prosecutor’s Office with justifications of existing “drawbacks” in them.

Dink was killed on January 19, 2007 as a result of armed attack in front of the editorial offices. The organizer of Dink’s assassination, Yasin Hayal, was sentenced to life imprisonment and the perpetrator, Ogun Samast, was sentenced to 22 years on January 17, 2012.

On October 2014 Istanbul’s 5th High Criminal Court made a decision to start investigating the murder from scratch. An earlier investigation had showed that the prosecutors who had worked on the case ignored serious allegations into the involvement of top police officers in the murder.

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