By Thomas C. Nash
Mirror-Spectator Staff
WASHINGTON — A high-profile Ohio election fraud case revolving around the Armenian Genocide now includes the testimony of an ex-FBI translator who claims the US government maintained a relationship with Osama Bin Laden until September 11, 2001.
Sibel Edmonds, who was recruited by the FBI as a Turkish, Farsi and Azerbaijani translator immediately after the September 11 attacks, was fired in 2002 after raising questions about the Turkish government’s influence on US officials and illegal activities involving drug and arms smuggling, money laundering and the sale of nuclear secrets.
The election complaint, stemming from accusations that an Ohio Republican House member took “blood money” from the Turkish government in exchange for denying the Armenian Genocide, has given Edmonds a chance to outline her knowledge of what she says are treasonous acts committed by Congressional, Defense and State Department officials to aid the Turkish government.
Edmonds has been fighting a “state secrets” gag order imposed in 2002 by former Attorney General John Ashcroft to stymie her efforts to make the information public. The Ohio case has provided Edmonds a chance to defy that gag order after being given permission to testify by the Ohio Elections Commission.
Edmonds gave a six-hour deposition at the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) on August 8.