
WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America, in partnership with An Unlikely Story, will host a conversation with Chris Bohjalian, for the launch of his latest novel The Jackal’s Mistress[...]

WATERTOWN — The Tekeyan Cultural Association Boston Chapter (TCA) celebrated both St. Valentine’s and St. Sarkis’s holidays a few days early, on February 1, with a full house at the[...]

WATERTOWN — The series of horrors that befell Artsakh (Karabakh) starting in 2020 with the loss of much of its territory and ending in 2023 with the expulsion of its[...]

WATERTOWN — Arsinée Keusseyan of Watertown, MA, passed away peacefully at age 93 on December 21, 2024. She was born in Iskenderoun (formerly Syria, now Turkey). After the annexation of[...]

WATERTOWN — The Tekeyan Cultural Association Boston Chapter presented the third in this year’s cooking demonstration series with holiday desserts anoushabour and halawet el-Jibn on Thursday, December 5 at the[...]

WATERTOWN — Project Save Photograph Archive presented as part of its “Conversations on Photography” series an illustrated talk on October 24 by Erhan at its new Watertown headquarters, which was[...]

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Saturday, November 16, was all about numbers for St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School (SSAES) in Watertown — and what good numbers they were, too. On that night,[...]

WATERTOWN — The management of the Tekeyan Cultural Association’s “Dr. Nubar Berberian Trust Fund” this week announced the names of Armenian students who received awards in 2024 for their academic[...]

WATERTOWN — During his October 13 visit to St. Stephen’s Armenian Apostolic Church in Watertown, MA, Catholicos Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia bestowed upon entrepreneur and philanthropist[...]

WATERTOWN, Mass. — St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School (SSAES) will celebrate its 40th anniversary with a gala on Saturday, November 16, at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge. The gala will[...]