From Christopher Atamian

Christopher Atamian

Christopher Atamian is a New York-based writer, filmmaker, translator and editor. He has written for leading publications such as The New York Press, The Huffington Post, The New Criterion and The New York Times Book Review and concentrated exclusively on Armenian culture and history in a previous column at His first book of verse, “A Poet in Washington Heights” was nominated for a National Book Award and received the 2017-18 Tololyan Literary Prize. He has translated five books from French and Armenian and most recently co-edited a volume on Bedros Keljik, "Armenian-American Sketches." @christopheratamian
More from Christopher Atamian

YEREVAN — They’re young, hip and environmentally informed. They mix East and West, minimalism with decorative, artisanal flourishes. Armenia’s top designers are strutting their stuff on Europe’s runways and creating[...]

Rare are those artists who can sustain a lifelong, holistic vision which contributes to both culture and progress in the broadest sense of the term. Born in Beirut into a[...]

Subtitled “Armenian-American Culture and Politics in the Twentieth Century,” Benjamin Alexander’s historical study sheds interesting light on events that shaped immigrant life in America for both survivors of the Armenian[...]

YEREVAN — It would seem that as time goes by, as many urge Armenians to forget their past, an almost iron-willed determination makes them want to hold on to it[...]