HAVERHILL, Mass. — In the presence of Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan and pastor Fr. Vart Gyozalyan, 16 godfathers of the Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe gathered at their church on June 10 to sign a covenant to support the completion of the construction of the sanctuary. A group of some 75 people were also present to witness the ceremony, which took place on the eve of the Feast of the Cathedral of Holy Echmiadzin.
It should be noted that there are 16 godfathers because when consecrating a church there are 16 columns, representing the 12 apostles, 2 evangelists, St. Paul and St. Krikor Lusavorich. The godfathers all swore an oath to serve God and the prosperity of the church.
Fr. Parsamyan wrote the next day on social media: “Yesterday, we gathered with the Pastor and dedicated godfathers of Hye Pointe Armenian Church to sign a covenant—a solemn promise—to support the construction of their church and bring it to completion soon! This ceremony served as a profound testament to their unwavering commitment to our faith, heritage, and community. The signing of this covenant signifies our determination to create a sacred space where future generations will gather, worship, and connect with God and their Armenian roots.”
He added, “I want to express my deepest gratitude to Fr. Vart and all the godfathers who have pledged their support, time, and resources to make this dream a reality. Your unwavering dedication is truly inspiring, and I eagerly anticipate the day when we consecrate your church and celebrate our faith together.”
Fr. Vart in turn stated later, “For us, it was a very spiritually renewing day full of grace, eyewitnessing the long-awaited continuation of the completion of the sanctuary. All this took place with the help, fatherly blessings and pronouncement of our Primate of the continuation of the completion of phase 2, which will start July 1. This phase represents the major part of the completion of the work.”
Fr. Vart added that if there are people who would like to support the completion of the sanctuary or the project in general they may contact the church at 978 372-9227 or email armenianchurchathyepointe@