CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — “Our parish and community has been working two years to put the 109th Diocesan Assembly together, and we are thrilled we had a really positive experience,” said Rev. Vasken Kouzouian, pastor of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church, host parish of this year’s assembly.
“It was great for our community in our 50th anniversary year to bring parishioners together and work for the greater good of the Diocese.”
The Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Cambridge hosted the annual gathering of clergy and lay delegates representing the Eastern Diocese’s organized and mission parishes. Most meetings and events convened at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel, but Holy Trinity parishioners also organized activities for the visiting delegates and their families, including a tour of the city on the famous Boston Duck Tours.
“Everyone who contributed participated in lay ministry together,” said Kouzouian. “It was a wonderful experience for us to become one body and minister to the greater body of our church.”
After the Diocesan Assembly adjourned on Saturday, April 30, delegates had the opportunity to take a tour of the city steeped in American history. On Sunday, May 1, delegates attended the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Church, where the guest celebrant was the Very Rev. Vardan Navasardyan, from Holy Echmiadzin, who offered his sermon on the meaning of “New Sunday” and renewing one’s lives in the light of the Resurrection.
While most clergymen had departed to be at their home parishes on Sunday, a number remained and took part in the service, with the Holy Trinity altar servers and choir also participating.