Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) reposted Biden’s statement, writing: “@POTUS’ recognition of the Armenian Genocide comes after decades of struggle. After years of Turkish threats and intimidation. After a murderous war[...]

The suspense is over. Since President Ronald Reagan referred to the Armenian Genocide indirectly in 1981, the Armenian community in the US has been going through a rollercoaster, raising its[...]

LANSING, MI — The Armenian-American community of Michigan and Metro Detroit received a shock this past week as the mayors of three major cities in the region signed proclamations declaring[...]

NEW YORK — It is unfortunately all too obvious that in spite of First and Second Wave feminism and some real progress in women’s rights, that we still have a[...]

By Peter Balakian (reprinted from the Washington Post, April 23, 2021) In his Saturday statement commemorating the slaughter of the Armenian people on their indigenous lands by the Ottoman Empire,[...]

ATLANTA — On the night of April 24, 2021 the Armenian Church of Atlanta came together to commemorate the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Very Rev. Norayr Kazazian, led[...]

By Alin K. Gregorian and Aram Arkun BOSTON — Starting on the afternoon (ET) of April 24, 2021, members of the Armenian community could talk about little else other than[...]

BOSTON — On April 24, 2021, as Armenians everywhere were preparing to commemorate with marches, prayers and protest the 106th anniversary of the beginning of the 1915 calamities in Turkey[...]

The Armenian Diaspora, which includes 75-80% of the nation’s souls and about 98% (Considering the size and GDP per community) of its economic power, is scattered throughout the world, with[...]

LOS ANGELES — NBCLX, part of the NBC Universal-owned television stations, announces that it will air filmmaker Ani Hovannisian’s documentary, “The Hidden Map,” nationwide on April 23, 24, and 25,[...]

ARLINGTON, Mass. — “I welcome you to this special event dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Alan Hovhaness, one of the greatest composers of the 20th century.”[...]