Ed and Nancy Guleserian

St. James Armenian Church to Host 117th Diocesan Assembly and Gala Banquet


WATERTOWN — St. James Armenian Apostolic Church of Watertown will welcome all of the Clergy and lay delegates of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church, as it hosts the 117th Diocesan Assembly and Clergy Conference from April 29 to May 5.

The week-long gathering will include the Clergy Conference and conclude with the Diocesan Assembly. The culmination of the week’s event will be the Gala Banquet on Friday, May 3, in the Celebration Ballroom at the Boston Marriott Burlington hotel. The evening will begin with a cocktail reception at 7 p.m., with the banquet to follow at 8 p.m. The Very Rev. Daniel Findikyan, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church, will preside.

This year, the Diocese will honor Nancy Guleserian and her late husband, Edward, who long supported St. James Armenian Church, in gratitude for their long-support of, and impact on the Diocese and Armenian faithful and communities in America and throughout the world. The Guleserians have been fervent supporters of the Armenian Church, the Eastern Diocese, St. James, and man Armenian and local organizations. Edward and Nancy are previous recipients of our St. James Parishioners of the Year Award and, in 2007, the prestigious Eastern Diocesan St. Nersess Shnorhali Medal.

Also to be honored at the banquet as the Friend of the Armenians will be Dr. Helen Evans, the Mary and Michael Jaharis Curator for Byzantine Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and Curator for last year’s the ARMENIA! Exhibit. Dr. Evans is directly responsible for showcasing Armenia’s Christian Art, and was instrumental in the permanent display of major works of Armenian art in the medieval galleries.

For tickets, visit the St. James website at www.stjameswatertown.org.

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